The Path of an ePortfolio

The Path towards an ePortfolio has not been easy.

The path towards an ePortfolio has not been easy. Most of the time you think you are done adding components or changing the layout and then you take a look at what other students have done with a similar assignment such as Bridget Gallagher  and Brooke Josephs . I noticed that ePortfolios can be as unique as each person. Primarily everybody had the same components because they all went through the same master’s program, but after you look deeper you start realizing they are significant differences. You can tell the learning and the critical thinking is there but at the same time, each individual has presented this evidence of learning in their own way.

Now, I can be more sure about what I am doing and not second guess myself after adding categories or thinking about new elements for my ePortfolio.  

Now I understand why more and more of my classmates are switching to ePortfolio proposals as this is an exciting concept for self-improvement for administrators, teachers, and students.


Capstone. (n.d.). Bridget Gallagher. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from

Dll synthesis | teachingincolor. (n.d.). teachingincolor. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from

Articles: 21