Digital Learning Environments

Over the past years, technology has become more inclusive and there are more options when it comes to learning and teaching. LMS, videos, podcasts, vodcast have become useful tools to shared information, experiences, perspectives and to collaborate.   

Throughout the Applied Digital Learning (ADL) graduate program, I have collaborated with multiple people, which has allowed me to gain great insight from their perspectives and grow as both a learner and leader. In the following podcast/vodcast series, you will hear or from myself, Allison DeVoll, Colby Clifford, and Brianna Rodriguez, a peer collaboration group that we formed through the ADL program, discuss ePortfolios, Blended Learning, and our future projects. A featured guest, Dr. Dwayne Harapnuik, joins in our discussion and provides us with some of his thoughts on learning, leading, and digital learning environments. 

Below are my colleagues’ ePortfolios, where you can find more research and resources on the different things they are each working on.

The following are resources I encourage you to look through to continue your research and thinking over the topics discussed in the vodcast.

Creating this series of podcasts has made me more engaged in my innovation plan. I have taken the knowledge and research from other people who share this same love of learning and continue to build a foundation for my own ideas to build upon. Applying a growth mindset reinforces the need to have an open and willing mind to watch a dream become a reality. Future endeavors include a co-publication with a fellow colleague, Brianna Rodriguez, where we continue with a few of these ideas and explain how a blended learning classroom can be successfully implemented in any classroom, regardless of grade level or subject. 

Thoughts On Learning Podcast

Part #1

In this podcast, we discuss ePortfolios and the different ways educators can use them for assessments or as assessments.

Part #2

In this podcast, we discuss blended learning in various classrooms and the positive effects of having choice, voice, and ownership to create authentic learning.

Part #3

In this podcast, we wrap up our thoughts on ePortfolios, blended learning, and COVA while we consider the new places this will take us. 
