Wrap-up 5303

Two days before finalizing my course 5303, Applying Educational Technology: ePortfolio at Lamar University, I started reflecting on everything I learned during these past two months. My first takeaway will begin with the COVA-Book. This piece was full of examples that reflect the main idea behind the course. You have the freedom to be yourself! The system in which we live is forcing us to fit in, and the COVA-Book is showing us to do the opposite; to pursue our personal goals and learn as we are doing it. The ownership and engagement level that this book is inducing is beyond completing a task or a checklist. By applying the COVA-Book concepts, I started my ePortfolio (this website), my second takeaway. I started using WordPress because there were many tutorials and positive feedback regarding this tool, especially in the long term. Many platforms are free and straightforward to use, but unfortunately, you will have many limitations as you have more diverse content. As a modern education product, the first thing I was doing was looking at examples that I can replicate. But two weeks into the course, I realized I did not know where to start. During this process, I realized that not all templates were the same and that everything that is predetermined it cannot just be more around. The options were endless, but the information needed to make those changes was significant. I did learn a lot of good tips and had some success stories around my vision. Please don’t get me wrong, the journey was arduous, and the hours were long. Many times I wasn’t getting anywhere. Sometimes by the click of a button, I deleted half of my page, and when I wanted to add one component, it changed my page significantly. And please don’t get me started fixing everything so you will be able to see it in the mobile version or a different browser. 

As part of my ePortfolio journey, I started a blog to share my experience with WordPress and the challenges of creating a website. This ePortfolio allowed me to communicate my Innovation Proposal as part of my course 5305 Disruptive Technology Innovations and share more personal details about myself. I will be posting more blogs during my next course, and there will be more wrap-up blogs so you can follow my learning path after each class.