Is WordPress the way to go?

selected Bluehost as my website host, as my research suggested it is more reliable than other providers. Bluehost came with WordPress, the most popular system to create a blog or website; in fact, 40% of all websites on the Internet are powered by WordPress. However, this doesn’t mean that it is easy to manage. As with all new endeavors, the learning curve starts with a couple of struggles.

It was challenging to understand how to select and manage WordPress “themes.” You have a variety of free themes to choose from. However, not all of them give you an instant preview while customizing the layout. Meaning, you need to publish to see how it would look like.  On the other hand, if you want to try a different theme, the previous theme will get deleted unless you create a secondary homepage option.

While WordPress, in general, is user-friendly, you still need to be very careful selecting and placing the layouts for your pages or blogs. Once you publish something you can’t undo, you will need to modify it again. 

As I continue watching videos and experimenting with all WordPress features, I can say that I’m pleased with my website’s looks. 

Usage statistics and market share of wordpress, February 2021. (2021, February 1). Web Technology Surveys. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from


Articles: 21