Start with the WHY

The conditions in education over the past years have not been the most ideal for our students. Most students struggled to keep up with the curriculum onsite and online during COVID. Most people think that the problem will disappear once students return to school in its majority. Unfortunately, education is not something we can fix just by doing it. This is not about but what we need to do (Teaching students); it is about understanding why we are doing it. We want to provide students the opportunities in a world of bitcoins, altcoins, production, innovation, coding, programming, and others. We need to understand that our students will face a world not even known by us as adults.   

So far, this program has shown me that there is a different approach that can be used in the classroom (COVA). This is the approach that I am taking on my ePortfolio, at the beginning as was hard, but after understanding the importance of having Choice, Ownership, and my Voice in my own ePortfolio it resulted in Authentic learning. This has become my most valuable lesson in the program, don’t just fill the blanks, create disruptive innovations. 

It’s not about making people believe in what you have but to believe in what you believe (Sinek, 2009), and I believe that our students have the potential to create innovations that will enhance humanity.



TEDx Talks & Sinek, S. (2009, September 29). Start with why — how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound [Video]. 

Articles: 21