Pedro Beltran
Usability Testing & Reflection – Online Course
As part of the implementation of Innovation Plan, I am putting together an Online Course about Blended Learning and ePortfolios. I asked one of my colleagues to complete the first module of the course and then to share her input with a video
Below is a peer usability testing that Brianna Rodriguez completed for me. She had the perspective of a future stakeholder and she provided a better insight on how my teachers might be looking at my course. I appreciated her different outlook as her feedback made me reconfigure many areas of my course.
Through the questions that were provided for this reflection, I was able to significant changes and adopt a growth mindset to understand that feedback is an opportunity . Please review my video with my responses and be part of the reflective process.
Brianna, Thank you so much for all your support!!
How your stakeholders/peers are able to navigate the Introduction/Overview/Start Here section of your course and how they are able to navigate to and engage in a short activity from the first module.
After watching my usability video, Brianna was able to navigate through my introduction and overview rather easily, but this made me think that I need to be more specific regarding my START HERE (expectations). but she was able to navigate this part with no issues.
How long will your usability test last?
The usability test was to be roughly at the 5-minute mark.
What are the criteria for the activity that you want your testers to do?
I want them to engage with some prior knowledge about blended learning using Jamboard and having an open mind to new videos and ideas.
How will your testers report back (ie. screen capture tools like Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia, etc., or direct observation or response)?
My tester reported back using Screencast-O-Matic. She recorded her testing and was able to send me the video. Refer to my blog to see this video.
Whom are you planning to participate in the usability testing? What are your alternate plans?
I started with one of my colleagues of the masters program as we do have different type of stakeholders and this is a plus for having a different perspective. I recently sent it to my colleagues at work as my alternative plan.
Reflect on who you were able to have conduct the usability testing? Were you able to get the right people? Why or why not? What can you do to better improve this in the future?
Yes, I definitely feel like I got the right person to do my usability testing. Brianna is new to Canvas but the fact that she works with kindergarten students helps me to simplify my message to not overwhelm my learners. Her feedback is sincere and specific.
What impact did your platform (LMS, Google Docs, or other digital sharing) have on the testing and results?
Brianna was able to focus on the navigation of the platform itself and on the content. She did made me think about having some tutorials on how to use canvas and the different components.
What were the lessons you learned from the usability testing feedback?
I did realize that I had to add some introduction to my Start Here part, also want to add the Jamboard back at the end of the course to allow people to reflect on their initial comments and add some intro to canvas videos to be more familiar with the LMS.
What have you done to your design to address the usability issues revealed in the testing? What have you added or taken away?
I did add some tutorials regarding CANVAS on the introduction part and I was more clear with Resources component (instructions and labels)
How has this process improved your course and your learner’s experience?
I enjoyed others perspective, especially when something is not clear for them even though it was clear for me. This makes me understand my learners and their perception. I need to look at it from multiple different angles and I can’t wait until I see the feedback from my colleague at work.
How has the testing impacted your alignment of outcomes activities and assessment?
This makes me realize that perhaps I need to remove some of the videos as the discussions are extremely general and I need to make them more specific.
How will you address the infrastructure, system, and support needs and issues the learner may face?
I linked a Tech Support button in my Canvas course and with the additions of videos on how to use Canvas this will improve the user experience.